

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5 ft. 9 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    Masters Degree
  • Job:
  • Has Kids:
    No, never


I consider myself to be highly educated, intelligent, down to earth with a great sense of humour and adventure.........always like to step outside my comfort zone and step into the void. I consider myself to be fairly outgoing but also quite happy to chill at home with some wine, movie and duvet............always try to look at the brighter side of life.

Love my music (really into downtempo lounge - great for relaxing, play the piano accordion), mountains, nature, golf, fishing, dining out, bowling, movies, travelling (have lived and worked in various countries).............

Not really into the bar/club scene anymore.............don't really drink too...........just with other people over dinner etc..........prefer the simple things in life..........love to travel - the best educator in life!! Consider myself to be very deep............love deep conversations and but not very good at small-talk..........

Am originally from the UK. Have moved around alot in the past few years so now, perhaps it is time to settle in one place.........who knows what is around the next corner.....

Also not the type who can walk up to women in bars/clubs and start talking rubbish in a desperate effort to impress - find it all a little tacky. However, when in a relationship, I would consider it to be monogamous. I am a firm believer in honesty, respect, loyalty and trust - cant stand liars and cheaters!!

What I am looking for

I am looking for a lady who has similar characteristics to myself........loves to laugh, travel, love, experiment with life, who is down to earth and has a positive outlook and likes to try new things........I am probably considered as a little old fashioned since I still open doors etc for ladies...........