richard120 Online Now


  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
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  • Age:
  • Height:
    6 ft. 11 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    High School
  • Job:
  • Has Kids:
    Yes, living elsewhere


I am a simple guy and I prefer simplicity in everything, from clothes, food etc. I don’t like things getting complicated or confusing.

-I am honest. I have always kept my family’s trust on me and also those people who are connected to me.

-I don’t have ego issues.

-I am an emotional guy and sometimes I think way too much for small things in my life or in my loved one’s life.

-I don’t talk too much until unless someone is a special one or is close to me.

-I am a pragmatic person and I believe in right actions.

-I am a philosophical person and sometimes I like to advice people when they are doing something wrong.

-I like to travel to new places and feel different cultures.

-I am a family guy. Family is the most important part of my life and it comes first from everything and I mean it.

-I am a little bit patient(tolerant) as well. I have suffered from back pain for 3 years and each time when I see anew doctor, they tell me different things. It was annoying. But I just wanted to get well soon so I listened to them.

What I am looking for

I talk to myself a lot. Sometimes in front of mirror and sometimes in my head. It gives me self-confidence.

-I am a positive person, but I look on the both sides positive and the negative because you don’t know what’s coming.