

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
  • Age:
  • Height:
    6 ft. 2 in.
  • Body:
    Full Figured
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    High School
  • Job:
  • Has Kids:
    Yes, living elsewhere


I am a simple guy who enjoys the simple things. I just want what any reasonable, down to earth guy does. To meet a kind, HONEST, fun, compassionate, loving, goodhearted woman. A woman equally beautiful to him on the outside as she is when it comes to her personality. I love spending time outdoors, photography of nature and weather, an occasional movie if something decent is playing. I like the windows of the house open on a nice day and just lovin the fantastic weather. I like to be spontaneous and get in the car, roll down the windows, turn up the rock or country music and just drive. I want to cross paths with a woman who will embrace me. Not only on the level of matching interests and some goals but also her actions prove her acceptance of me and all my quirks, imperfections and flaws, which everyone has. Lifes too short to be wasting time, effort or emotios. Say what you mean and mean what you say, respect my time and trust and the same will be reciprocated.

What I am looking for

I want to cross paths with a woman who will embrace me. Not only on the level of matching interests and some goals but also her actions prove her acceptance of me and all my quirks, imperfections and flaws, which everyone has. Lifes too short to be wasting time, effort or emotios. Say what you mean and mean what you say, respect my time and trust and the same will be reciprocated. I expect integrity, honesty, desire for 2 way, effective communication and understanding that nobody is or ever will be perfect.